KCAOII is only possible with a Leadership Team of involved alumna. Looking to get involved and help shape the future of KCAOII? We'd love to have you! We're looking for sisters with ideas of how to continue to foster sisterhood and community. No experience is needed, but a desire to connect, engage, and make things happen is necessary.
Here are the roles and responsibilities that keep the chapter active.
Elected Leadership Team Roles:
These roles have a minimum of two-year terms and are expected to meet with the Leadership Team either in-person or virtually six times per year.
- Preside at the meetings of the Greater Kansas City Alumnae Chapter.
- Actively monitor the kcaopi@gmail.com email account and distribute emails to Leadership Team and Chairs as needed.
- In tandem with the Treasurer, manage the KCAOII checkbooks, debit cards, and accounts through Capitol Federal.
Vice President
- Perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President or in the case of the President’s inability to act.
- Ensure all official chapter business is governed by the “Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised” except when ByLaws explicitly state otherwise.
- When Membership Chair Position is not filled:
- Keep a complete file of members, their email addresses, and membership status.
- Update AlphaLink annually prior to March 1 with dues-paying members since July 1 of the prior year.
- Coordinate with the VP Programs to honor active members with 25, 50, and 75-year membership anniversaries at the Founders’ Day celebration.
- Regularly update the list of dues-paying members on the KCAOII website.
Vice President of Programs
- Plan at least 4 programs per year for members including Founders’ Day
- When possible, coordinate at least one event with AOII National or local collegiate chapters (Strike Out Arthritis, etc)
Vice President of Fundraising & Scholarships
- Responsible for selecting, with a committee of at least one other member of their choosing, scholarship recipients from UCM and KU. Inform recipients and colleges of the award and share details with the Leadership Team and membership.
- Maintain the Scholarship information on the KCAOII website
- Organize and supervise at least one philanthropic and one fundraising activity during the programming year, if possible in coordination with the Arthritis Foundation
- Maintain the list of dues-paying members on the KCAOII Google Drive.
- Prepare the annual budget of the chapter in the fall each year and present it to Leadership Team for approval.
- Complete and submit the 990 form (Alumnae Data Request form) to Nationals by Sept 30 annually
- Pay KC Panhel dues by Feb 1 annually
- Assist with applicable scholarship funding.
- Manage all payments and reimbursements for any events, fundraisers, or other KCAOII business.
- Pay the yearly website domain and Google fees.
- In tandem with the President, manage the KCAOII checkbooks, debit cards, and accounts through Capitol Federal.
Corresponding Secretary
- Maintain records of Leadership Team meetings.
- Aggregate and share Leadership Team contact information with Leadership Team members annually.
- Report chapter news to To Dragma twice per year.
- Compile content for and send newsletters to members, AOII delegates, AOII Alumnae Network Adviser, AOII Alumnae Relations and other alumnae chapters on a bi-monthly basis.
- Updating the KCAOII website with relevant information
- Lead the committee responsible for social media posting.
These roles are also vital to the KCAOII chapter but are open to anyone willing to serve in them. These roles are a minimum one year term unless noted. Attendance at Leadership Team meetings is not required but welcome. Updates prior to those meetings are requested.
Recording Secretary
- Coordinate dates and times for quarterly Leadership Team meetings.
- Create agendas and minutes for Leadership Team meetings.
- Distribute Leadership Team meeting notes and follow ups to all parties.
- Maintain KCAOII calendar of events on Google Calendar.
- Keep calendar of KCAOII deadlines for all chapter business and collaborate with Leadership Teammate responsible for those activities (Dues payment to Nationals, etc)
- Maintain accurate access for Leadership Team to Google Drive, adding and removing people as necessary.
PanHellenic Delegate (this role has a longer term associated with it)
- Represent KCAOII at meetings of the Greater Kansas City PanHellenic Association.
- Advise the chapter on all NPC policies, procedures and resolutions.
- Communicate KCAOII chapter activities with NPC to promote KCAOII in NPC communications
- Coordinate and submit KCAOII Woman of the Year submission for Greater Kansas City PanHellenic Association each year.
- The nominee is currently an active alumnae chapter member
- The nominee is a person who exhibits worthy service to the fraternity and community
- The nominee has not previously received the award
- Maintain the WOY winners on the KCAOII website.
- Coordinate with Treasurer support of WOY donation / invites for KCAOII members
- Collaborate with and lead PanHellenic Alternate when applicable.
- Actively remind members and attendees during events, meetings, and in newsletters to pay dues between July 1 and Feb 1 annually.
- Collaborate with the Treasurer to keep a complete file of members, their membership status, and year of initiation.
- Coordinate with the VP Programs to honor active members with 25, 50, and 75-year membership anniversaries at the Founders’ Day celebration.
- Regularly update the list of dues-paying members on the KCAOII website.
- Send ByLaws and Standing Rules yearly to dues-paying members by March 15.
- Contact new members to welcome and inform them of social media accounts, website location (including calendar of events for members), and add them to the email distribution list.
Collegiate-Alumnae Relations Liaison
- Be actively involved with local collegiate chapters.
- Keep KCAOII informed of all news regarding collegiate chapters.
- Communicate KCAOII event information to collegiate chapters.
- Coordinate any collegiate chapter events with the VP of Programming when applicable.
- Actively reach out to collegiate AOII chapters whose members may live or work in Kansas City.
- Be responsible for completion of MIF forms required by the collegiate chapters for recruitment.
If you are interested in serving KCAOII in any capacity or want to learn more about these opportunities, please contact the President at kcaopi@gmail.com.