
Benefits of Membership

As a member of Alpha Omicron Pi, there are countless opportunities to stay involved throughout your lifetime. As an alumna, there is an opportunity to join a local alumnae chapter. With over 150 alumnae chapters throughout the United States and Canada, there are a myriad of ways that local alumnae can stay plugged in and enjoy the company of AOII sisters.

Once an alumna becomes a member of an alumnae chapter there are numerous opportunities to make new friends, get involved in philanthropic activities, network with other AOIIs, discover new interests, support the Fraternity and community, and have fun. Each alumnae chapter sets its own programming calendar and determines their annual fees for membership. Fees typically range from $50-$60 annually.

Join Greater Kansas City Alumnae

Since joining the AOII sisterhood as a collegiate, you know the power of this group of dynamic, smart, and compassionate women. We laugh together, help sisters find jobs and homes, support our community through philanthropic activities, inspire ambition, and know we're part of something larger than all of us. You may be looking to network, or find someone to go to a movie with, or build your resume with leadership roles and KCAOII can help you in all those ways. Sisterhood is for life and we'll help you remember why you joined in the first place.

Want to learn more before you join? Sign up for our newsletter!

Here is a list of dues-paying members
for the June 30, 2023 - July 1, 2024 year:

Kate Favrow
Cindy Nielsen
Kim Hendricks
Pattzie Goldbach
Aly Olson
Gina Kellogg
Jenny Horsley
Kayla Clouston
Shannon Lowry
Natalie Buckley
Cara Finger
Cherie Smith

As a dues-paying member, you help fulfill your pledge to cherish the future of AOII. Chapter dues are waived for new graduates for their first year, $45 per year for regular alums, and $29 for Life Loyal alums.

Are you a first-year grad? Your dues are on us for your first year of alumni-status. Simply contact Debbi and let her know you'd like to join.

Dues are paid each fiscal year, from July 1-June 30. We request that dues are paid from July 1-Dec. 20 so that we can acknowledge our full-member roster to International AOII by the end of the year. If possible, however, please pay dues by Nov. 1 to allow us to better plan for our budget.

Wonder where that money goes? Here’s a breakdown of what your local alum chapter receives:

• $16 to AOII International – Annual Operating Fee
• $7 to AOII International – Education & Training Fee
• $2 to AOII International – Archival Preservation Fee
• $10 to AOII International – NEW Technology Fee
• $10 to the operation of the Greater K.C. AOII Alumnae Chapter

In addition to your dues payment, you are welcome to donate whatever additional dollars you would like for other efforts. Whether it's an additional $5, $50 or $500, your support is greatly appreciated!

Funds to which you can donate include:

• Ruby Fund
• AOII Endowment
• AOII Arthritis Grants
• Arthritis Walk
• AOII Foundation
• Alumnae Operations
• Scholarship Fund at UCM
• Delta Pi Robe Fund

Payment Options

Check: To pay your dues, make a check out to AOII. Send your payment to: Treasurer Debbi Johanning, 1313 Connecticut, Lawrence, KS 66044.

Online: Or you can send payment via Paypal (please choose "Friend or Relative" option):

Venmo: @Deb-Johanning

Contact: Have a question for us? Send us a note!

Sign up to hear more from KCAOII by clicking the button below:

Subscribe to the KCAOII Email Newsletter!

Alumna Initiate Program

The Alumna Initiate Program allows AOII to share our Ritual with those women who are a large part of our lives and who exemplify what AOII is, but for one reason or another, were not presented with the opportunity to become an AOII during college. Alpha Omicron Pi has extended alumnae membership to outstanding women for many years and has allowed many women (mothers, sisters, aunts, close friends) who have never been part of an NPC organization to join AOII. Alumna Initiates (AIs) have been able to not only support alumnae chapters but also help the growth of collegiate chapters by becoming advisers and volunteers.

Qualifications for Alumna Initiates:

  • One-time fees – covering initiation and badge costs

  • All Alumna Initiate candidates must have a sponsor who they know personally

  • Candidates may not be members of another National Panhellenic Conference Organization, nor eligible to be an undergraduate collegiate member

AOII Alumnae Initiates are:

  • Anyone identifying and consistently living as woman who is a friend or relative of an AOII

  • Mothers, grandmothers, or other relatives who want to offer their support to the collegiate chapter

  • Former new members and other past collegians who were pledged into an AOII collegiate chapter, but were not initiated

  • Women who are interested in mentoring and working with young women

  • Faculty advisers, campus leaders and mentors

  • College graduates who show outstanding volunteer involvement

  • Notable women from the local community

Begin the Process of Sponsoring an Alumna Initiate:
Contact AOII’s Engagement Department at or 615.370.0920 or to request an application.

AOII infinity rose

Stella, Jess, Helen, and Bess became determined that their friendship should last a lifetime. On December 23, 1896, the four climbed the stairs in a small gallery of the old Columbia College Library which led to an old and seldom used room. On January 2, 1897, Alpha Omicron Pi was formally organized at the home of Helen St. Clair.